NJFB Subscriptions

We are excited to offer monthly subscriptions to our "Limitless" Kit, "Essentials" Kit, and Paper Add On! 

By subscribing, you will automatically receive a new, beautifully curated NJFB kit each month. Subscriptions will auto-charge to your payment method on the 25th of each month, there is no minimum monthly obligation, you can cancel anytime with a 30 day notice by emailing welcome@notjustforboyskitclub.com

You can subscribe to the "Limitless Kit""Essentials Kit", and/or the "Paper Add On".

Benefits of subscribing:

  • Guaranteed kit delivered to your door each month-you don't have to worry about the kits selling out!
  • Free NJFB exclusive embellishment-each month your kit will ship with a different embellishment that coordinates with that month's kit.  These embellishments are exclusive to subscribers.
  • Discounted cost-Limitless Kit subscriber's rate is $39/month, Essential Kit subscriber's rate is $23/month (plus shipping).  As opposed to $44/$25 respectively. 
  • Paper Add on price will vary between $11-$14 depending on the MSRP of the papers included in that month's kit.
  • Any additional a la carte items will ship, at no additional charge, with your subscription (excluding international orders).  When ordering a la carte items, use the coupon code SHIPWITHKIT2024 anytime during the month to activate "free shipping", and those items will ship with your next scheduled subscription box. 
  • To give you time to add to your boxes at each new release, subscriptions will start shipping on the 5th of each month.  If you place "add on orders" after the 4th of the month, those items will ship with the following month's subscription box.  
  • We have created process videos each month using a combination of the "Limitless" & "Essentials" Kits.  In these videos we give you detailed cutting and assembly instructions to follow along with to work your way through your kit every month to create beautiful layouts!  Each kit has it's own playlist on YouTube, which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/@NotJustforBoysKitClub/playlists

Specifics and details:

  • To cancel, send an email with 30 day notice to welcome@notjustforboyskitclub.com
  • Subscriptions will auto charge your payment method on the 25th of each month.
  • Subscriptions will begin shipping on the 5th of each month.
  • If you begin your subscription prior to the 20th of the month, your subscription will begin with that current month's kit, you will be billed again on the 25th of that month for the upcoming month, and on the 25th of each month, thereafter.
  • If you begin your subscription on, or after, the 20th of the month, your first kit will be the upcoming month's new kit and it will not shop until the 5th of the upcoming month.  You will be billed again on the 25th of the following month, and on the 25th of each month, thereafter. 
  • Shipping charges may vary sightly from month to month, depending on the weight of each month's kit. 
  • Shipping discount code can only be used for USA shipping addresses.
  • Supplies are limited, subscriptions are on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If you have any questions, please email us at welcome@notjustforboyskitclub.com or message us on the chat feature on the website.

Get started here:

"Limitless Kit" Subscription

"Essentials Kit" Subscription

"Paper Add On" Subscription